info @ 732-685-4605 Howell, NJ

Philly Event by AMFHR and ICNA Team


American Muslims for Hunger Relief (AMFHR) will be hosting ICNA-NJ volunteers at it’s monthly soup kitchen on April 19th 2014, in Philadelphia. AMFHR’s FeedPhilly Chapter feeds over 700 people each month through six sites in Philadelphia. ICNA-NJ volunteers will be distributing toiletries and other necessities at each of these six sites, on Saturday. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to make and distribute hot meals to the needy across Philadelphia with the FeedPhilly core volunteer team.


FeedPhilly works in conjunction with various churches, mosques, shelters, and soup kitchens with the help of the local community in Philadelphia.

For more information about this event and if you’d like to volunteer, please contact:
Hamza Shaikh or Rizwan Khan at

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